Why People Say "I Don't Have Time" And It's Implications.
Imagine you are planning to go for a healthy morning run tomorrow and you ask your friend who has nothing particular to do in his life except for overthinking stuff "bro, wanna go for a run tomorrow morning? and he says "Seems fun, but I don't have time bro". But have you ever wondered if such people who say "I don't have time" or "I don't have money" are really so short of these things or is there some other reason? I agree that in some instances, the other person is genuinely not able to make time. But if he uses the same excuse time to time and provides silly reasons, then know this, he is just trying to avoid doing it. In fact, there is quite a high chance that he is not even busy. It becomes a habit real quick and then they start using this even without any reason.
This habit is pretty common in many people. There aren't a lot of reasons why people say this but the most apt one is:
Taking the fact that some person is a little busy into consideration, still, it does give them the right to say that they do not have time, to frequent requests by a person. Even people like Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and other fellow billionaires know how to make time for stuff that they consider as important. It's all comes down to your priorities. It must be noted that everyone has 24 hours a day in their lives, there are some who make a fortune out of this limited time while there are others who just sit on their a**es whole day looking at their precious time go to waste. This is an implication of not having any crucial desire, goal, or responsibility on your shoulders. I will write about this in another article as this is a very deep topic. The point here is, you will always make time for things that you genuinely think are important and care about, and that is true for every person.
Some other reasons why people use this excuse are overthinking, lack of energy, avoiding social interactions, or just to feel like they did something cool.
This habit may seem like something minor but it can have some serious implications on the people on both sides of the conversation:
1. Lack of trust/dependability: If you keep on ignoring someone's invites or requests like I mentioned above and then expect them to be there for you in the time of your need, then you need to wake up from your delusional life. You keep on doing this and it will just be a matter of time before the other person loses the value for you in his eyes and not trust you as a friend anymore. He will stop considering you a person to be depended upon and in most cases, will start keeping his distance from you.
2. Loneliness: It may not be true for every such person but people with this habit are usually lonely people. Not alone, lonely. These two terms have a big difference. It may be an implication of refusing to accept people's invites or just the other way around.
3. The other person feels less valued: The person on the asking side of the conversation is bound to feel bad after such a relationship with a person. Imagine you invite a friend for a party and he refuses with that "no time" excuse. And then, later on, you find the same person at a party that evening with someone else.
4. Unhealthy relations: A person like this is often not liked by a lot of people around him, as no one can depend on him for anything. That person will never develop a healthy long-term relationship with anyone as the foundation of a relationship is trust and reliability.
Coming to a conclusion, if you are a person who uses "I don't have time" a lot, just try to be nicer next time. It is okay if you do not think the other person's request is considerable but instead of telling him that you can't make time for it, be straightforward about it, provide alternatives for you, or just tell a time if and when you will be available for it.
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